【一天10分鐘 新聞英語通】Vancouver Weather Report: A Blend of Sun and Showers.溫哥華天氣預報:陽光和陣​​雨~



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Vancouver is experiencing typical weather today, with a mix of sunshine and showers forecasted for the region. The morning started off with overcast skies and some light drizzle, but as the day continues, expect the clouds to part, allowing periods of sunshine to break through. However, Vancouver's unpredictable weather patterns may bring sporadic showers, so carrying an umbrella or rain jacket is advisable, especially in the afternoon and early evening. The winds will be gentle, adding to the pleasant conditions. For those planning outdoor activities, keep an eye on the sky and be prepared for brief rain showers. The evening should see a return to mostly cloudy conditions with a slight drop in temperatures. As always in Vancouver, flexibility with your plans and layered clothing are your best allies when it comes to the ever-changing weather.

as always

• As always in Vancouver, flexibility with your plans and layered clothing are your best allies.
• As always, she was the last to arrive.

1. blend [blɛnd] (n.) (不同東西或風格)混合品,混合物
2. experience [ɪkˈspɪriəns] (v.)(n.) 經驗;經歷
3. typical [ˈtɪpɪkəl] (adj.) 典型的;有代表性的
4. overcast skies (n.) 陰天
5. drizzle [ˈdrɪzəl] (n.) 細雨,毛毛雨
6. break through (phr.) 突破
7. unpredictable [ˌʌnprɪˈdɪktəbəl] (adj.) 無法預測的;難以預見的
8. sporadic shower [spəˈrædɪk] (n.) 零星的陣雨
9. advisable [ədˈvaɪzəbəl] (adj.) 明智的;可取的
10. add to (phr.) 添加
11. keep an eye on (idiom) 密切關注
12. be prepared for (phr.) 做好準備
13. brief [brif] (adj.) 短暫的;簡短的
14. rain shower (n.) 陣雨
15. mostly [ˈmostli] (adv.) 主要地
16. slight [slaɪt] (adj.) 少量的,微小的
17. temperature [ˈtɛmpɚətʃɚ] (n.) 溫度
18. layered [ˈleɚd] (adj.) 分層的;層疊的
19. when it comes to (phr.) 談到…時
20. ever-changing (adj.) 不斷變化的
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