S2EP21 The World's First AI Designer: Redefine Your Space with HOMEE.AI

Startup Island TAIWAN Podcast


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How is AI redefining our living spaces? A Taiwan-based innovator, HOMEE.AI, is revolutionizing the global home furnishing industry with its cutting-edge AI technology.

We are honored to have Kenny Du, the founder and CEO of HOMEE.AI, join us to share how this cloud-based solution simplifies the entire process of interior design and furniture selection. Discover how this groundbreaking technology is not only transforming interior design but also reshaping related industries such as real estate and construction, while becoming a strategic partner of Nvidia and Google.

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Host : Uly from Meet Global
Guest : Kenny Du, founder and CEO of HOMEE.AI

Powered by Startup Island TAIWAN 
Directed by National Development Council 
Produced by Meet Global by Business Next Media 

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