【2025 知識衛星高峰會:打破閾值,湧現增長】
✅ 特邀 32 位國內外大師,面對面深度互動
✅ 聚焦 7 大主軸深度分享,涵蓋多元領域,2 天精彩議程
✅ 獨家未公開內容,總價值 40 萬課程精華,票價不到 5,000 元
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#打破閾值 #湧現增長
—— 以上為 Firstory Podcast 廣告 ——
It was fate that we met./
We are meant to be./
It was written in the stars.
karmic thread fate vs destiny meant to be-mostly for romantic relationship/
serendipity-finding something good without actually looking for it
eg. a lost wallet
命運 fate/ destiny
巧遇 chance encounter(n.)/ run into randomly/meet unexpectedly
人情味 kind/ hospitable
Erskine:Hey handsome, back for more noodles, huh? It was fate that we met again!
Duncan:Oh really? Must be because your place serves such delicious stuff.
Erskine:Since we're destined to be together, how about lending this old lady some money?
Duncan:I don't need this kind of fate. This is just a toxic relationship.
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