兒童英語 充電5分鐘|雙語麻吉同學會:中暑是什麼!?

NER Kids


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猜一猜 以下哪些不會導致中暑?
Which of the following would NOT cause heatstroke?
中暑 heatstroke

  1. Drinking hot drinks on a very cold day.在寒冷的天氣喝熱飲
  2. Exercising outside on a hot day.在炎熱的天氣在戶外運動
  3. Staying inside a car with no air conditioning in 30 degrees C weather.在攝氏30度的天氣待在沒有空調的車內

air conditioning 空調
It happens when your body’s temperature goes up to 40 degrees C or higher.中暑發生在妳的體溫升高至攝氏40度或更高時
But it’s different from a fever!不過他和fever發高燒是不同
所以中暑只會在炎熱 高溫下產生 因此剛剛A的選項,天氣冷的時候是不會中暑的!

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