兒童英語 充電5分鐘|雙語麻吉同學會:消暑好方法~

NER Kids


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  1. 穿寬鬆衣服 wear loose clothes
  2. 喝冰涼的水 drink lots of cold water
  3. 含糖飲料會使中暑更嚴重 avoid drinks with sugar! They make heatstroke worse!
  4. 不要在炎熱的車內逗留太久 don’t stay in a hot car for more than a few minutes
  5. 尤其嬰兒 孩子 寵物都不要放在熱熱的車內!!! Never leave babies, children or pets in hot cars.
  6. 一天最熱的時段(如中午)也不要在戶外活動
  7. try to avoid playing sports or do a lot of activities during the hottest times of the day (noon)

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