Controllable vs. Uncontrollable Things



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Controllable vs. Uncontrollable Things
In life, there are a lot of things that happen to us that we cannot control. Having said that, we don’t need the rest of our life to be negatively impacted as a result. Today, we talk about why it’s important to focus more on things we can control during tough times, rather than focusing on what we cannot. In the following, we have two examples to show the controllable achievements in the world: 江天霖(T. L. Chiang),台灣鋼琴家;白祐帆(Dylan Pai). 國際標準舞老師,英國國際舞蹈教師協會IDTA認證教師。
      The fact is, we can do controllable things to expect the uncontrollable outcome. The universe is, actually, always full of potentials and possibilities. Look at this, in our today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the things we can’t control. For example, we obsess over the weather, our jobs, and other people’s opinions of us, etc. Really, there’s nothing we can do to control the weather, so worrying about it won’t make the storm go away. The same goes for our jobs and other people’s opinions. Of course, that’s easier said than done. But, the point is, there’s no way in worrying about something we can’t change and control. We can only know the controllable things, and take action to improve the situations. We can just focus on our attitudes, our affections and our actions to do the controllable things. Bad things happen to everyone every day, but how we choose to react them defines us. If we can see the silver lining in every cloud, we would be better equipped to deal with whatever life throws to us. Life is, no doubt, full of hardships, however, how we learn and grow from those problems matters. We can become stronger and wiser by looking for the positive things that we are able to control.
The following are some of the most common outlets we can use to control in order to deal with things that are out of their control:
Talking to a friend or family member
Writing down thoughts in a journal
Seeing a therapist
Working out
Running or going for a jog
Organizing or cleaning
Watching a movie or TV show
Hanging out with friends
Breathing exercises
Eating out
It’s necessary to find a balance between taking care of the things we have to, and taking care of ourselves. Handling things beyond our power (uncontrollable) can be challenging. The truth is, things we can’t control would be also parts of our lives. Therefore, we need to learn to cope with the uncontrollable things, and live happier, more fulfilling lives. Happiness or a positive disposition is a choice. Our attitudes are the kinds of energy that we project to the world. Thus, going into a difficult situation with a positive attitude increases the likelihood of finding a path through a possible solution. Next are our affections. One of the best way to reduce the stress we are feeling is to increase the amount of connectedness we feel in our lives to other trusted and safe people. Just being able to talk to a friend or colleague who can safely handle our feelings is enormously powerful. Last but not least, we can control our actions. Our future is dictated by our disciplined actions in the form of what we do each day, the habits we develop and what we strive for with purposes. By way of our attitudes, our affections and our actions, we can handle our controllable things, and even expect the great amounts of good uncontrollable things happened in our lives soon.
