精選詞彙單元 Vocab EP001: Norway is the new leader in electric car sales, and what about Taiwan?

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以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網)


As of last year, Norway is now the global leader in the promotion and sales of eco-friendly cars. About 52% of the cars sold last year are vehicles using an alternative type of fuel. Apart from Tesla, other carmakers such as Volkswagen, BMW, Volvo, and Ford are investing millions in the production of electric vehicles. Norway, by 2025 wants to phase out all diesel and gasoline cars.

完整文章 From article: http://www.15mins.today/blog/506-in-norway-electric-and-hybrid-cars-outsell-conventional-models

Vocabulary and sample sentences:

Incentive (attraction or something to encourage people to do something)

  • The Norwegian government is offering incentives to people purchasing electric vehicles.
  • Taoyuan government offers generous incentives to people purchasing a gogoro.

(to) phase out – the process of discontinuing something

  • Many European countries are planning to phase out diesel and gasoline cars.
  • Apple will phase out smartphones with a physical home button.

Ubiquitous – something that is present or found everywhere

  • Smart devices are becoming increasingly ubiquitous in our daily lives
  • Many car companies believe that electric cars will become as ubiquitous as diesel and gasoline cars.