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以下是此單集逐字稿 (播放器有不同字數限制,完整文稿可到官網)
When you get a tattoo, even if the image is embedded on your body, it is owned by the tattoo artist. Tattoos used to be a label or a stigma for people, but now it is becoming more prominent. Tattoos in Japan were meant for firemen, so that they could be identified if they were burnt. Thereafter, tattoos were more associated with the Yakuza and frowned upon in the public baths. Gavin's advice: never get a tattoo on a place that you cannot cover it up. According to the article, game-makers now are concerned about the copyright of the tattoos on their game avatars. Since the copyright belongs to tattoo artists and not the athletes, game-makers have to get permission from the tattoo artist.
Article referred: https://www.15mins.today/blog/524-athletes-don-t-own-their-tattoos-that-s-a-problem-for-video-game
Sample vocabulary and sentence:
Transcendent ( adj. surpassing the ordinary, extraordinary)
Tangible (adj. can be felt by touch)
Dope (informal - adj. cool ; formal - n. drugs v. to use drugs)