Costa's Audio Book: Miguel de Cervantes "Don Quixote" Vol II Ch 56,57,58 讀你聽2.1《唐吉訶德》

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Costa's Audio Book “CAB” year end presents
Miguel de Cervantes epic novel "Don Quixote" Volume II
Translated by John Ormsby

描寫唐吉訶德自封騎士 沉迷遊俠浪漫
嘲諷十七世紀西班牙 騎士精神末落
反思當世迂腐 扭曲英雄主義
翻譯超過五十種語言 堪稱經典
附注:2025年度周年紀念作 包括
Perfume, The Great Gatsby, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Don Quixote Volume II, Metamorphosis, Jane Eyre, The Brothers Karamazov

Chapter 56, 57, 58
01:26 在比武當天 Tosilos愛上了Doña Rodriguez的女兒 拒絕與唐決鬥 並向女方求婚 女兒以為是農夫的兒子而答應 然而很快得知到真相 也大方接受男方的愛 唐認為是魔法師所爲 公爵哭笑不得 為了打完場 將Tosilos短暫關押
16:47 仕徒二人向公爵夫婦告別 女僕Altisidora因唐的拒絕而心碎 用十四行詩詛咒他 指控他偷了手帕與吊襪帶 幾經質詢 辛祖承認早已物歸原主 而女僕驚覺吊襪帶仍在她身上 指控頓時化解 仕徒二人重新上路
27:13 唐欣賞工人運送的聖徒像 在路旁樹林中誤將捕鳥網當作魔法 兩名牧羊女邀請他參加牧歌 唐誓言在大道上會宣示她們的美貌 卻被一群騎馬隊無情撞飛 沒有面目面對女士們 垂頭喪氣離開告終

Don Quixote, Sancho Panza, Teresa Panza, Cide Hamete, Master Pedro=Gines de Pasamonte, Duchess and Duke, Dona Rodriguez, Altisidora, Tosilos the lackey, the two shepherdesses, herdsman

Jessie's Vocabulary
Prodigious adj Shirk v
Abhor v
Dainty adj Commiseration n Comeliness n

Also Available: Don Quixote Volume Two ch 58
Count of Monte Cristo Volume Three ch 48
Jane Eyre Ch 6,7,8
The Brothers Karamazov Book 2 all

Complete Collection: 
The Great Gatsby, And Then There Were None, Jekyll and Hyde, Maigret, 1984, The Metamorphosis, Dracula, Don Quixote, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Diary of a Young Girl, Lord of the Flies, Liar's Poker, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Sparkling Cyanide, 4.50 from Paddington, Great Expectations

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