Costa's Audio Book: Patrick Süskind "Perfume: The story of a Murderer" 40th Anniversary Part II & III 31-36 讀你聽2.2《香水:一個謀殺犯的故事》

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德國作家Patrick Süskind 於1985年創作的歷史奇幻小說
故事主角出生於十八世紀巴黎 備受冷落的孤兒
能分辨世界上的無數氣味 成為一名香水師
本作已被翻譯成四十九種語言 全球銷量超過兩千萬本
1987年榮獲世界奇幻文學獎和 PEN 翻譯獎
附注:2025年度周年紀念作 包括
Perfume, The Great Gatsby, The Picture of Dorian Gray, Don Quixote Volume I & II, Metamorphosis, Jane Eyre, The Brothers Karamazov

Part II & III, 31-36
00:22 三十一 主角用計誘騙侯爵讓他製作香水 由於侯爵極需要主角公開認證他的理論 立即答應要求 得來實驗室後 主角製作出兩瓶香水 一瓶混有模仿體味的香水 另一瓶純香水 然後離開實驗室
12:58 三十二 主角憑著香水 體味完全融入人群之中 覺得人們是如此容易欺騙 喜不自勝 決定製作一款超凡香水 猶如天使下凡的香薰 讓百姓膜拜 對比教堂内的香爐 神只是臭氣熏天
22:03 三十三 侯爵在醫學講堂展示主角和他的香水 曾令人生畏的他如今令人同情 眾人讚嘆他的轉變 掌聲雷動 沉浸崇拜當中 主角無視講話悄然離場 他明白真正屬於他自己 操縱人心的力量
29:10 三十四 雖然融入社交圈 每天吹噓着洞中的生活 主角還是隱秘地離開 侯爵心急不已 最終決定獨自登山求證 承諾聖誕前夕回歸並將返老還童 結果一去不返 後人不忘追思 而且信徒甚衆
35:08 三十五 主角抵達香氛之都 思考製香技術之際 發現一位紅髮女孩的迷人氣味 與當日巴黎受害者相似卻更具吸引力 雖感震撼但暫且放下女孩氣味 待她成年時取之 他決定鑽研技術 兩年時間學習提取方法
51:33 三十六 主角在一家香水工場找工作 由一位年輕遺孀夫人精心經營 他幫助將黃水仙花加工成香膏 幾乎獨力執行 如果市況改變 夫人會將香膏轉化為昂貴的精油 存起作珍貴花香油

Main Characters (in order of appearance)
Jean-Baptiste Grenouille - gifted yet deeply disturbed, an orphan with extraordinary sense of smell
Father Terrier - a priest, briefly cares for Grenouille as a baby but is eager to rid himself of the unnerving babe
Madame Gaillard - cold and detached caretaker, took care of Grenouille after Terrier for a few years, driven by practicality rather than affection, died penniless
Grimal - a harsh and exploitative tanner, traded Grenouille from Gaillard as cheap labor, later traded him off for 20 gold, soon drowned drunk
Giuseppe Baldini - perfumer and glover, while his odor collection exceeds his capacity, struggles to create new perfume, he then made a fortune and fame by using Grenouille, after releasing his piper, died of building collapse
Marquis Taillade-Espinasse - Retired from court life at Versailles to pursue fluidum vitale, deeply attached to Grenouille as test subject and later an equal, died in the snow mountains from pursuing eternal life
Redheaded girl - aristocrat, possesses a celestial scent that captivates Grenouille, only too young for harvest
Madame Arnulfi - barely thirty, widow of perfumer with sound business sense, has an affair with her journeyman

Other characters: Grenouille's mother, La Fosse the officer, Jeanne Bussie the wet nurse, Jacques Lorreur the helper, teenage girl with alluring scent, Chenier the assistant, Count Verhamont, Pélissier the perfumer, Count d’Argenson, Feydeau de Brou, Giuseppe's wife Teresa, Runel, Druot the journeyman

Costa's notes
Enervation n a feeling of being drained of energy or vitality, fatigue 疲憊 無力感 (ener vay tion)
Aegis n the protection, backing, or support of a particular person or organization 受某人或組織 保護或支持 (e gis)
Neroli n an essential oil distilled from the flowers of the Seville orange, used in perfumery 橙花油 (narrowly)
Castoreum n a bitter strong-smelling creamy orange-brown substance that consists of the dried perineal glands of the beaver and their secretion and is used especially by perfumers 海狸香 (cas TOR reum)
Bilge n nonsense, rubbish; the area on the outer surface of a ship's hull where the bottom curves to meet the vertical sides 廢話 垃圾 (BILL ge)
The cuckoo's egg phr a situation where something is placed or introduced into a place or situation where it does not belong, much like how a cuckoo bird lays its eggs in the nests of other birds 
Thurible n a censer 香爐 (THEW rib ble)
Proselyte n a person who has converted from one opinion, religion, or party to another 改宗者 改入他黨者(Pro si light)
Senescence n the condition or process of deterioration with age 衰老 變老 (sin NES sens)
Mire n a stretch of swampy or boggy ground; a complicated or unpleasant situation from which it is difficult to extricate oneself 泥沼
Palazzo n (pl palazzi) a palatial=resembling a palace in being spacious and splendid building, especially in Italy 宮殿 意式豪邸
Daphne n a small, typically evergreen Eurasian shrub with sweet-scented flowers 瑞香花 (Daf nee)
Rhododendron n a shrub or small tree of the heather family, with large clusters of bell-shaped flowers and typically with large evergreen leaves, widely grown as an ornamental 杜鵑 (roe doe Den drun)
Solar plexus n a complex of ganglia and radiating nerves of the sympathetic system at the pit of the stomach 腹腔神經叢 (PLEX sus)
Macerate v (especially with reference to food) soften or become softened by soaking in a liquid; cause to waste away by fasting 浸漬 (Mas ser rate)
Lavage n regarding fragrance, to purify or refine 精製 (la VAGE, fr)

Complete Collection: 
The Great Gatsby, And Then There Were None, Jekyll and Hyde, Maigret, 1984, The Metamorphosis, Dracula, Don Quixote, The Picture of Dorian Gray, The Diary of a Young Girl, Lord of the Flies, Liar's Poker, The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes, Sparkling Cyanide, 4.50 from Paddington, Great Expectations

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