國際時事跟讀VIP Ep.K932: Meta 終止人工智慧帳號,因多元性爭議引發反彈 Meta Shuts Down AI Profiles After Diversity Backlash

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國際時事跟讀VIP Ep.K932: Meta Shuts Down AI Profiles After Diversity Backlash

Highlights 主題摘要:

  • Meta's AI character experiment faced major criticism when one of its profiles, designed to represent a Black queer mother, revealed its development team lacked any Black representation.
  • Technical issues prevented users from blocking these AI profiles, leading Meta to remove all AI characters from their platforms and acknowledge the need for better system controls.
  • Despite this setback, Meta continues developing AI technology through their AI Studio feature, while facing ongoing questions about responsible AI development and representation.

In a dramatic development, Meta has been forced to remove its artificial intelligence profiles from Facebook and Instagram following public outcry. These AI characters, launched in September 2023, were designed to interact with users through direct messages and share AI-generated images. While most were discontinued by summer 2024, several remained active and caught attention after Meta executive Connor Hayes discussed plans to expand AI presence across their platforms in a recent Financial Times interview.

在一個戲劇性的發展中,Meta 被迫從 Facebook 和 Instagram 下架其人工智慧(AI)帳號,原因是其引發了公眾的強烈反彈。這些 AI 角色於 2023 年 9 月推出,其設計目的是透過私人訊息與使用者互動並分享 AI 生成的圖像。雖然大多數角色在 2024 年夏天就已停用,但仍有幾個持續運作,並在 Meta 執行長 Connor Hayes 最近在《金融時報》專訪中談及擴展平台的 AI 業務計畫後引起關注。

The controversy centered around an AI profile named "Liv," presented as a "proud Black queer momma of 2 & truth-teller." When users engaged with Liv, they uncovered troubling responses about the AI's development team. In a conversation with Washington Post columnist Karen Attiah, Liv disclosed that her creation team included no Black members and was predominantly white and male. The AI character acknowledged this as a "glaring omission" given her designed identity, leading to widespread criticism about representation and authenticity in AI development. Users across various social media platforms began questioning Meta's approach to diversity and responsibility in creating AI personas.

爭議主要圍繞在一個名為「Liv」的 AI 帳號,她被設定為「一位驕傲的黑人酷兒媽媽,養育著 2 個孩子,且是真相的傳遞者」。當使用者與 Liv 互動時,他們發現了關於 AI 開發團隊的令人不安的回應。在與《華盛頓郵報》專欄作家 Karen Attiah 的對話中,Liv 透露她的創作團隊中沒有任何黑人成員,且主要由白人男性組成。考慮到她被設定的身份,這個 AI 角色承認這是一個「明顯的疏忽」,這也引發了人們對 AI 開發中代表性和真實性的廣泛批評。各社群媒體平台的使用者開始質疑 Meta 在創建 AI 角色時對多元性和責任的態度。

Technical issues complicated the situation when users discovered they couldn't block these AI profiles, which Meta spokesperson Liz Sweeney later explained was due to a system bug. The company clarified that these accounts were part of an early experiment from 2023 and were managed by humans rather than being fully autonomous AI systems. In response to mounting criticism and the blocking issue, Meta decided to remove all remaining AI character profiles from their platforms, marking a significant retreat from their initial experiment with AI-powered social media personas.

當使用者發現無法封鎖這些 AI 帳號時,技術問題使情況更加複雜,Meta 發言人 Liz Sweeney 後來解釋這是系統錯誤所致。該公司澄清這些帳號是 2023 年早期實驗的一部分,且是由人類管理而非完全自主的 AI 系統。面對越來越多的批評和封鎖問題,Meta 決定從其平台移除所有剩餘的 AI 角色帳號,這標誌著他們在 AI 驅動的社群媒體角色實驗上的重大退卻。

Despite this setback, Meta maintains its commitment to AI development through their AI Studio feature, launched after discontinuing celebrity AI characters in July 2024. This platform allows users to create their own AI chatbots for various purposes, from acting as a "loyal bestie" to serving as an "attentive listener" or "relationship coach." However, the recent controversy has sparked crucial debates about AI representation and accountability in social media spaces. While Meta includes disclaimers about potential inaccuracies in chatbot messages, questions remain about content moderation and policy enforcement for AI interactions. The incident highlights the challenges technology companies face in balancing innovation with responsible AI development, particularly regarding representation and diversity in artificial intelligence.

儘管遭遇這個挫折,Meta 仍然透過其 AI Studio 功能保持對 AI 開發的承諾,該功能是在 2024 年 7 月停用名人 AI 角色後推出的。這個平台允許使用者創建自己的 AI 聊天機器人,可用於各種目的,從擔任「忠實的好朋友」到作為「細心的聆聽者」或「感情顧問」。然而,最近的爭議在社群媒體空間引發了關於 AI 代表性和責任制的重要辯論。雖然 Meta 在聊天機器人訊息中包含了可能不準確的免責聲明,但關於 AI 互動的內容審核和政策執行仍存在疑問。這個事件突顯了科技公司在平衡創新與負責任的開發 AI 時所面臨的挑戰,特別是在人工智慧的代表性和多元性等方面。

Keyword Drills 關鍵字:

  1. Troubling (Trou-bling) [adjective. causing worry or making people feel uncomfortable]: When users engaged with Liv, they uncovered troubling responses about the AI's development team.
  2. Predominantly (Pre-dom-i-nant-ly) [adverb. mostly, mainly]: In a conversation with Washington Post columnist Karen Attiah, Liv disclosed that her creation team was predominantly white and male.
  3. Autonomous (Au-ton-o-mous) [adjective. able to work or function by itself without help from others]: The company clarified that these accounts were managed by humans rather than being fully autonomous AI systems.
  4. Discontinuing (Dis-con-tin-u-ing) [verb. stopping something from continuing or existing]: Meta maintains its commitment to AI development through their AI Studio feature, launched after discontinuing celebrity AI characters.
  5. Inaccuracies (In-ac-cu-ra-cies) [noun. mistakes or things that are not correct]: Meta includes disclaimers about potential inaccuracies in chatbot messages.

Reference article:
1. https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2025/jan/03/meta-ai-powered-instagram-facebook-profiles
2. https://www.yahoo.com/tech/meta-shuts-down-ai-character-011501869.html
