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國際時事跟讀VIP Ep.K960: Pickleball Revolution: Sport's New Global Sensation
Highlights 主題摘要:
The sports world is witnessing an extraordinary transformation as pickleball continues its meteoric rise, attracting both elite athletes and casual players alike. This paddle sport, which combines elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis, has emerged as one of the fastest-growing activities worldwide, with its accessibility and social nature capturing the hearts of millions.
Tennis legends have been particularly drawn to the sport's unique appeal. Former world number one Steffi Graf, who dominated tennis courts for decades, recently embraced pickleball's challenges. Despite her impressive career including 22 grand slam titles, Graf found herself experiencing unexpected nerves during the Pickleball Slam 2 event, where she and her husband Andre Agassi competed against John McEnroe and Maria Sharapova. The match attracted nearly one million viewers on ESPN, highlighting the sport's growing mainstream appeal. Graf admits that Agassi has adapted more quickly to the game, praising his analytical approach and dedication to mastering the new techniques required.
網球傳奇們特別被這項運動的獨特魅力所吸引。曾經統治網壇數十年的前世界第一史蒂菲.葛拉芙最近也接受了匹克球的挑戰。儘管她擁有包含 22 座大滿貫冠軍的輝煌職業生涯,葛拉芙在參加匹克球對決賽時仍感到意外的緊張,她與丈夫安德烈.阿格西在比賽中對戰約翰.馬克安諾和瑪麗亞.莎拉波娃。這場比賽在 ESPN 上吸引了將近一百萬觀眾收看,突顯出這項運動日益增長的主流魅力。葛拉芙承認阿格西適應得更快,讚揚他分析性的學習方式和專注於掌握新技巧的態度。
The statistics behind pickleball's growth are remarkable, particularly in the United States, where an estimated 48.3 million adults played at least once between 2022 and 2023 – representing almost 19% of the country's population. The sport has also gained significant traction in Australia, surpassing traditional sports like rugby union and baseball in participation rates. Professional opportunities are expanding rapidly, with various leagues offering substantial prize money and attracting investment from sports stars like Tom Brady and LeBron James, as well as Hollywood celebrities. Young athletes are increasingly seeing pickleball as a viable career path, with some players now able to make a comfortable living through tournament winnings and sponsorships.
匹克球的成長數據相當驚人,特別是在美國,估計在 2022 年至 2023 年間有 4,830 萬成年人至少打過一次,約佔該國人口的 19%。這項運動在澳洲也獲得顯著發展,參與人數已超過橄欖球聯盟和棒球等傳統運動。職業發展機會快速擴張,各種聯賽提供豐厚獎金,並吸引湯姆.布雷迪和「詹皇」詹姆斯等體育明星,以及好萊塢名人投資。年輕運動員越來越將匹克球視為可行的職業發展道路,部分選手現在已能透過比賽獎金和贊助合約過著舒適的生活。
What makes pickleball particularly appealing is its accessibility and quick learning curve. Unlike tennis, which requires years of practice to master, pickleball allows players to see progress more rapidly. The smaller court size and lighter equipment create a more inclusive environment where players of different skill levels can compete together. As Graf notes, "The fun factor just is immediately there, and the game equalizes each other out a little more." This democratization of sport has led to a diverse community of players, from former professional athletes to recreational enthusiasts, all finding their place on the pickleball court. With its continued growth and potential inclusion in future Olympic Games, pickleball's journey from a casual pandemic activity to a legitimate global sport shows no signs of slowing down, as more countries develop professional leagues and dedicated facilities to meet the surging demand.
Keyword Drills 關鍵字:
Reference article:
1. https://edition.cnn.com/2025/02/13/sport/steffi-graf-pickleball-slam-3-tennis-spt-intl/index.html
2. https://www.theguardian.com/sport/2025/jan/09/pickleball-debut-australian-open-tennis-2025