80 episodes

English book

English book

Stories for Kids

Available Platforms

About English story. stage 2 in a bit https://youtu.be/UI5tJCZxxCg Naughty children https://youtu.be/py5gUd3gJZA stage 3 at the pool https://youtu.be/lT6wKsfKPDc the rope swing https://youtu.be/7_2mI9O6EMs on the sand https://youtu.be/tdqFjv_HO2w The Barbecue https://youtu.be/sgvn88F1-9o Helicopter Rescue https://youtu.be/WJOh9Y7Twj8 The Mud Bath https://youtu.be/wX-sqaXCbO4 The Jumble Sale https://youtu.be/BTnh3_K9mIk kipper's idea https://youtu.be/SzjNp1Nx_J8 The ice Rink https://youtu.be/6ExagYHYj34 The Snowman https://youtu.be/74casJQtUx8 stage 4 come in! https://youtu.be/ccDvJG7T-BM Poor Old Mum! https://youtu.be/lT6wKsfKPDc Tug of war https://youtu.be/F7v9i7JuvfY Monkeys on the car https://youtu.be/ohPhUChAasQ Nobody got wet https://youtu.be/Jr088hsFXWY the secret room https://youtu.be/F9mrWnHyZkk The Storm https://youtu.be/gjrwtnNjQX0 Dad's Run https://youtu.be/Ngqfe4fbQvo Look Smart https://youtu.be/chEEP6E15hk House for sale https://youtu.be/YfdMORgUGIE stage 5 sleeping beauty https://youtu.be/2u3ce790ZBc Mum to The Rescue https://youtu.be/7kTwN3gz8Oo Vanishing cream https://youtu.be/DsbbJgxmGuE Castle Adventure https://youtu.be/WHhnFwdGK5o stage 6 Ship in Trouble https://youtu.be/CnVHv_h8H2s stage 7 Lost in the Jungle https://youtu.be/UtHjMuExWcA The Hunt For Gold https://youtu.be/yhQSut_bt0Q stage 8 The Evil Genie https://youtu.be/XVqON46vEjc save floppy! https://youtu.be/PaGGjJqdSXQ Flood! https://youtu.be/cqdlb_dxzI0