25 episodes


Tyler Ho & Enrique Concor


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兩個空有夢想抱負,勇於創夢的待業青年在Bros Bond討論 一對待業中,沒有穩定收入但充滿激情的二人組在BrodBond節目中討論了一系列令人眼界+腦洞大開的話題,從留學生活到恐怖故事,到是否開辦Onlyfans,再到一路上的心態調適和安頓在現在稱為「家」的新地方。 由 Tyler Xingran 主持Ho 和 Enrique Concor帶來精彩歡樂的聆聽。 讓我們一起享受快樂時光吧! - A passionate duo with literally no job and no stable income discusses a dazzling spectrum of topics, ranging from life living abroad to the spookiest scary stories to starting Onlyfans to adjusting and settling in a new place now called home—genuinely fantastic listening hosted by Tyler Xingran Ho and Enrique Concor. Let’s enjoy some real silly goose time together.