焦啊電臺 / Jiao-A Broadcast

Moni the Jiao-A

Personal Journals

External Links

Jiao-A is the word bird in Taiwanese and this Jiao-A is me - a bird that left the nest and tries to explore the world. When, where, who, why, what, and how all things happened? I'll share my experiences and personal observations maybe in English, in Chinese, in German, in Taiwanese(I'll try my best!) or even in Japanese(if I start to study Japanese hard now...) 焦啊電台是個我分享個人經驗和觀點的小天地,在哪裡遇見了誰、為了什麼、如何、做了什麼事?是什麼機緣讓我遇見了現在的自己?可能是看了一本書,可能是交了個朋友、可能是踏上了一段旅程... 可能我還在尋找那個想要成為的自己,翅膀硬了在異地飛翔,或許是找個新的窩,抑或是尋那回家的路。