#5 從疫情看商業不動產 - Part 1

美國夢 你的夢 和史黛一起談天說地 發大財 American Dream Your Dream


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我2019年時預估2020 年經濟一定會不好,失業率一定會很高,很多人可能會付不出房貸,因而會有大量的銀行屋會釋放出來,房市應該會跌下來。結果,2020 年因為一場疫情,的確失業率很高,很多business 受到影響,倒閉的倒閉,申請破產的申請破產。不過,房市居然意外的很HOT。今天我們很高興邀請商業房地產經紀Carole Tam 來和我們一起談天說地。


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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/americandreamyourdream
Email: info@americanvisioncap.com

--------------- GUEST CONTACT ---------------

Carole Tam, our special guest from Plano Texas. She is an amazing commercial real estate broker and a Certified Commercial Investment Members (CCIM). She brings real life inspiration stories from self doubt with depression to conquering many career and life challenges she had to endure during her youthful years. She brings inspiration, encouragement, and perseverance in a mostly white dominated male profession. She will share her top five criterias when investing in commercial properties and provides insightful values to anyone who is seeking value deals. Enjoy the ride!

FB accounts: Carole Cheng Tam, Carole CCIM Tam
Line: Carole Cheng Tam
WeChat: Carole Tam, CCIM
Website: www.caroletam.com
Linkedin:  Carole Tam, CCIM
Cell phone # 469-999-8746
Email: caroletam@gmail.com

