何采柔|20200610 / No Surprises

給火星人類學家 To Martian Anthropologists


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20200610 / No Surprises
無論是以繪畫、裝置或影像的方式創作,何采柔的作品總能以局部分解的動作、日常習慣的切片與豐富迷離的光影來呈現人與現實之間某種既親密又疏離的緊張關係。而這些獨特而強烈的創作一方面包圍著觀眾,卻又與其保持對峙的狀態, _幾乎讓日常的片刻直接成為了一道風景或儀式。
20200610 ▸ https://martian.beauxarts.tw/artwork/joyce_ho_20200610
No Surprises ▸ https://martian.beauxarts.tw/artwork/joyce_ho_no_surprises

Joyce HO
Mainly engaged in video, installation and painting, the artist sets foot as well in playwriting, directing and design in theatre. Her work with a surrealist aura is extended from a focus on the insignificant daily routines and conveys an intimate, yet alienated tension between human beings and reality.

20200610 / No Surprises
2020|Interactive and responsive web page
With an illusion rich in light and shadow, the artistic conception aims to integrate the deconstructed movements and fragmented slices of daily routines. As such, the artist endeavors, whether in painting, installation or video, to convey an intimate, yet alienated tensions between human beings and reality. The singularly intensive creation simultaneously captivates and confronts viewers, which renders almost immediately a quotidian moment into a piece of landscape or a ritual.
20200610 ▸ https://martian.beauxarts.tw/artwork/joyce_ho_20200610
No Surprises ▸ https://martian.beauxarts.tw/artwork/joyce_ho_no_surprises
