謝佑承|星叢 / 藍幕

給火星人類學家 To Martian Anthropologists


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星叢 / 藍幕
夕陽低垂,各種光在夜裡浮動閃現。熙來攘往的公路車潮與通明深邃的街燈,遠看是點點微光與星叢,構築了現代生活與城市。流水時間隨一幀幀靜態影像片段切格,循序播放,造就了真實般的觀視錯覺。而現在,超級逼真的巨量影像以各種介面,朝我們襲來。在此刻所有人被迫遣返的獨處時刻,眼前唯留發光的屏幕與影像,這一切也許是從一個碰撞的火花開始,光以點綿延成線,以線拓展為面, 構成時間與文明。
星叢  https://martian.beauxarts.tw/artwork/hsieh_yucheng_star_cluster
藍幕 ▸ https://martian.beauxarts.tw/artwork/hsieh_yucheng_blue_screen

Yu-Cheng HSIEH
Specialized in mixed media and spatial installations, the artist often creates skillfully on-site optical illusions to explore the floating subjectivity among image, machine and illusional phenomena, in the hope to reflect upon by correspondence the relationship between empirical world and existential state of human beings.

Star Cluster / Blue Screen
2020|Interactive and responsive web page
The sun goes down and all sorts of shimmering lights linger at night. The bustling highway traffic and bright, deep street light, seen from far, have turned into dispersed dim lights and a star cluster, both of which constitute the modern urban life. The flow of time is cut into static frames of fragmented images, which are played in sequence to create a visual illusion of reality. Nowadays, a great amount of images of super verisimilitude, through all sorts of interfaces, have invaded us. At the moment when everyone is forced to regain the life of solitude, all left in front of us are the glowing screens and images. In the beginning, it might start from a collision of sparkles from which light stretches out by spots as a line expanding into a surface, by which time and civilization are thus constituted.
Star Cluster  https://martian.beauxarts.tw/artwork/hsieh_yucheng_star_cluster
Blue Screen ▸ https://martian.beauxarts.tw/artwork/hsieh_yucheng_blue_screen
