民國110.12.8-新聞英文直播No.277 商業新聞 & 科技新聞

雷蒙英文講台灣新聞Taiwan news


Available Platforms

5.Kaohsiung housing prices get TSMC fab plan would transform the southern city from an industrial into a high-tech hub, a local real-estate firm head said -- TN(12/6)一位當地房地產公司負責人表示,高雄房價獲得台積電晶圓廠計劃將使南部城市從工業中心轉變為高科技中心
6. Trump tariffs launched new age of booming US-Taiwan trade. Even after Trump’s loss, Taiwan benefits from tariff policies left in place –CNN(12/4) 川普關稅開啟美台貿易繁榮的新時代。即使在川普失敗後,台灣仍受益於現有的關稅政策
7.A recent COVID-19 vaccine trial carried out in Taiwan has found that a mix of AstraZenca and the locally developed Medigen is more effective --CNA(12/5) 最近在台灣進行的 COVID-19 疫苗試驗發現,AZ和當地開發的高端聯用更有效
8.NASA will launch mission to crash into a near-Earth asteroid to try to change its motion in space -- CNN (12/6)
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