what really bothered me with super mario bros. 3 was the clutter, and the long middle stretch of the game was absolutely the worst part. you could enjoy the game at any point in that stretch, but probably not once you got to it.folk-rock band the pogues is best known for being a late addition to the soundtrack of the cult classictrainspotting, but in fact, they were a successfull band in their own right. the band still tours today, and are still recording. in late 1987, they recorded an album which has since gone on to be their most celebrated and influential record to date. melding the mood of the likes of television and the stones, and then dubbing it with a crisp, radio-friendly sound, they penned what is arguably their finest work. besides being one of the most celebrated songwriters of his generation, bob marley was also a brilliant musician in his own right. this is the definitive version of his magnum opus, which was to become his biggest-selling album in the whole of jamaica. not only is the song itself a classic, the arrangement of this song is also something to be reckoned with. dion in his own right is a great songwriter, no argument there. but the music on this album gave us an example of perhaps how great a songwriter he could have been. by the time dion created his most acclaimed album, he had already released three previous albums with the same themes and characters, one of which was this is my song. the first song on the album, the eerie and eerie wind instrument intro section is followed by a roaring chorus, yet this time, it is a chorus that is backed by massive horns and full orchestra, which makes it sound less like a chorus and more like a hymn, a gothic and, dare i say it, even religious. now, why on earth would a church hymn be played in a heavy metal album? well, thats why this album has had critics falling over themselves calling it the heaviest album of all time. who knows what he was going for! anyway, it works.