High Standard Double Nine Serial Numbers



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Very sneaky accuracy was on display, but making up for that, they're tough to find. Around the time the Double-Nine was made, Hi-Standard also turned out some classic guns with unusual exterior finish treatments. The only one I remember better than the Double-Nine is the Double-Nine model 90 Ranger , which has a thin barrel, red parkerized finish, and a hand tooled engraving. Both the Double-Nine and Ranger were limited editions, and Hi-Standard in general was never a big moneymaker. I was given an early blue-finish model Double-Nine on eBay a few years back, but couldn't find it again, and later sold it, thinking I'd have no use for a 22-year-old Double-Nine. Hi Sunset - Thank you for pointing out that the gun is not a Buntline. Since I know next-to-nothing about guns, and because this one is so often referred to as a Buntline, I just assumed. I'll have to correct those photo titles when I have the time. As you mentioned in your post, there is a Longhorn emblem on there, though its hard to see it on the low rez version I have posted on the site. You are also correct about it saying Hamden Conn. Again, it's hard to see it in that version, but it actually reads..HIGH STANDARD MFG. CORP HAMDEN, CONN. U.S.AAlso, the serial and series numbers you were wondering about are1902708 W-104 Very sneaky accuracy was on display, but making up for that, they're tough to find. Around the time the Double-Nine was made, Hi-Standard also turned out some classic guns with unusual exterior finish treatments. The only one I remember better than the Double-Nine is the Double-Nine model 90 Ranger , which has a thin barrel, red parkerized finish, and a hand tooled engraving. Both the Double-Nine and Ranger were limited editions, and Hi-Standard in general was never a big moneymaker. I was given an early blue-finish model Double-Nine on eBay a few years back, but couldn't find it again, and later sold it, thinking I'd have no use for a 22-year-old Double-Nine.


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