Icon Cube 4 Nano Driver Zip



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a draw function takes a voxel array, and a x, y and z position, then draws the pixel at the given position. to keep our code as readable as possible, all colors are set to white. the draw function can also be used to change the color of a single voxel. the cube array is 8x8 bytes, or 8x8x8 voxels. since the cube is supposed to be 3d, we need to remember that a single voxel is 8x8x8, so one draw function can draw one voxel.the cube array is an 8x8x8 array of 8x8 bytes. the lowest byte is r, the second lowest byte is g, etc. the first byte is a constant, it always has a 1. this means that the first byte is the red value, the second is the green, etc. the second byte is also a constant, it always has a 1. this means that the second byte is the green value, the third is the blue, etc. the cube array always has one constant byte, this can be the red, green, blue or other constant. the other 7 bytes are the colors. since the colors are 8 bytes wide, this means that each color has 3 bytes, the red, green and blue. the red value is always in byte 0, the green in byte 1 and the blue in byte 2.input from serial is received as byte pairs, one byte for the command, and one byte for the data. the input from serial is connected to the top right (w) port of the driver. it is converted to one byte for the command, and one byte for the data. since the command is always 1 byte long, we can treat it as the first byte of a 2 byte command.it should be clear by now that you don't need a special avr to make an led cube. we do not use any external interrupt, but rather handle interrupts at a lower level. and this makes the whole process very portable. we have built our cube driver on top of the very popular 16f84a avr chip, with the help of the atmel.com website. the 16f84a avr is a very versatile microcontroller, and it is a very popular chip used in many projects, so it's really easy to find examples of how to use it. the chip has two interrupt lines, one for low level (int0) and one for high level (int1) interrupts. in addition, there is a timer that can be used with the high level interrupt. to make use of this chip we need to use the high level interrupt (int1) and use the timer to generate interrupts at the desired rate, in our case once a second. note that this means that the interrupt line will be held high, while the timer is running. since the avr doesn't have a way to clear the interrupt, we need to set the interrupt flag to 1 in order to prevent the chip from triggering a second interrupt before it is finished handling the first. the following program shows how to use the interrupt in the cube driver. the interrupt is set by calling the function ledcube_set_interrupt_level(int level), where the level is 0 for low level (int0) interrupts, and 1 for high level (int1) interrupts.


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