The technique of extemporaneous perfuming known as agarbatti, which has for its distinguishing feature an incense stick or pack of agarbatties, is widely practiced by Indian women throughout the length and breadth of the country. The sticks are made of sandalwood, which is the most popular incense stick. The process of making agarbatties, which is also known as sandalwood paste, consists of heating the sandalwood with heavy oil, stirring it with cow dung to form a homogeneous mixture, and then spreading it thinly on a flat surface for drying.The number of incense sticks that can be produced from a single load of sandalwood varies from 10 to 15, depending upon the number of incense sticks the manufacturer is willing to put up with. As a result, the price of a pack of agarbatties can range from 10 to 500 rupees, with a high price the likely result of selling a small number of packs. Nevertheless, even if a year's supply of agarbatties cost no more than, say, Rs. 400, the women who make these incense sticks earn on an average an income of Rs. 160 per month. Thus, agarbatti is a common revenue earning activity for women.Earlier, researchers at the National Institute of Occupational Health, Mumbai, examined more than 400 agarbatties and found that nearly a third of them contained eugenol, a colourless, camphor-like compound derived from cloves, cinnamon, cajeput, and caraway. The safety tests undertaken by the institute also showed that the agarbatties contain very small traces of benzoic acid, vanillin, linalool, and benzaldehyde.The use of agarbatti, however, has been found to be poisonous. But, once again, because of the lack of proper testing of the constituents, there is very little that the public or the regulatory agencies can do about it. For example, despite the fact that agarbatti is highly toxic, people in India routinely chew on pieces of these sticks.