#88. 旅行的伴手禮 buying gifts while travelling (Level:A2-B1)

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聽力理解 listening comprehension

  1. 張老師不喜歡買伴手禮,因為 ...(A.) 為了省時間 ( B.) 沒有朋友 (C.) 行李放不下

問題討論 discussion:

  1. 你最喜歡收到什麼伴手禮?
  2. 你買過不太貴又有特色的伴手禮嗎? 是什麼禮物?
  3. 旅行的時候你喜歡買伴手禮送給親朋好友嗎? 為什麼?

生詞 vocabulary
1 抱怨   Bàoyuàn, complain
2 出差   Chūchāi,Business trip
3 伴手禮   Bànshǒulǐ,Souvenirs
4 比利時   Bǐlìshí,Belgium
5 除了…還要   Chúle…háiyào,In addition to
6 親朋好友   Qīnpéng hǎoyǒu, Relatives and friends
7 表達謝意   Biǎodá xièyì, express gratitue
8 外國的月亮比較圓 Wàiguó de yuèliàng bǐjiào yuán"
9 請假 Qǐngjià,take a leave
10   聯絡感情 Liánluò gǎnqíng, keep up a relationship
11   當地   Dāngdì,Local
12   完全   Wánquán,completely
13   享受   Xiǎngshòu,enjoy
14   上下樓梯   Shàngxià lóutī, Up and down stairs
15   方向   Fāngxiàng,Direction
16   順便   Shùnbiàn, by the way
17   選擇困難   Xuǎnzé kùnnán, Difficult to choose
18   差別   Chābié,Difference
19   與其 不如 Yǔqí...bùrú, Rather than
20   回禮   Huílǐ,Return gift
21   人際關係   Rénjì guānxì,Relationships
22   維持   Wéichí , Maintain
23   有來有往   Yǒu lái yǒu wǎng, give and take
24   禮尚往來   Lǐshàngwǎnglái, return the courtesy
25   烏魚子   Wū yúzǐ,Mullet roe
26   卵   Luǎn,eggs
27   傷心   Shāngxīn,sad
28   對方   Duìfāng, the other party
29   一方面 Yī fāngmiàn... Yī fāngmiàn", On the one hand...on the other hand
30   當成禮物 Dàngchéng lǐwù, As a gift
