EP22【Live Podcast 台南】S3



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在這一集特別的《邦德兄弟》最終集,我們首次在台南與現場觀眾一起錄製!我們談到了夢想、感情,並與現場的粉絲們度過了一段難忘的時光。而且,我們帶回了粉絲最喜愛的環節:現場Brosbond React,充滿了驚喜和笑聲。快來加入我們,一起為這個難忘的經歷劃上完美句號吧!
Brosbond's Official Email: brosbond.taiwan@gmail.com
Brosbond's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brosbond/
Tyler's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tyler_hohoho/
Concor's Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/enriqueconcor/
小額贊助節目: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j
留言分享我怎麼看: https://open.firstory.me/user/clhhe2hfv024501uzh57vae8j/comments
In this special BROSBOND finale, we recorded live with an audience in Tainan for the first time! We talked about dreams, relationships, and had an unforgettable time with our fans. Plus, we brought back a fan-favorite segment: Brosbond React, filled with surprises and laughter. Join us as we put a perfect end to this incredible experience!
This also marks the end of Season 3, and we can't wait to come back even stronger in the next one. Tyler and Concor will keep running, creating, and bringing you an even better show!
