💫是的!以我一不做二不休的個性,開了Podcast & YT Beauty Channel💫 [麻煩開啟小鈴鐺並訂閱我] & [Please turn on notification bell and subscribe me ASAP!] 💖我想主要會分享保養、貓咪生活、花藝、展覽、演唱會、演奏會,以及我的工作狂模式...... I’m william as a Fashion Designer, Accessory designer, Sculptor, Entrepreneur…… But also I love to collect every beautiful pisces in the world. Really hope can let everybody watch different aspects through my point of eye. =Please follow my works page as below to avoid missing any details.=🤍 IG Art Work page: @williamlouislouboutin_ii https://instagram.com/williamlouislouboutin_ii? FB Art Work page: @WilliamLouisLouboutinII https://m.facebook.com/pg/WilliamLouisLouboutinII/posts/?ref=bookmarks&mt_nav=0 BTW, I have 2 adorable cats.💫 •Rihanna Louboutin/ 2013.07.28 & •Peekaboo Louboutin/ 2021.08.31 IG: @rihannalouislouboutin https://instagram.com/rihannalouislouboutin?utm_medium=copy_link
Fashion & Beauty