神農嚐百草,中藥知多少? 總覺得中藥很神秘嗎? 你或家人吃中藥會有疑問嗎? 雖然現代西藥發明已有二百年,但是華人的中藥卻已流傳了至少三千年。公元前1046年的周朝,就已有藥物的記載。歷史中的“神農大帝”,出現約五千年以前的夏朝,當時「神農嚐百草」寫下《神農本草經》,為人類最早的藥典,因此「神農」就成了古代藥師的代名詞。 現代人生病看醫生會思考「該看西醫?還是中醫?」雖然中西醫藥的思維系統和理論大不同,但是藥吃進肚子裡可不分中西啊!!! 既然"藥不分中西",藥師又是藥物的專家,本節目就由專業的藥師帶你慢慢了解中藥、懂中藥、喜歡中藥。想獲得正確的中藥知識,想多了解中藥的智慧,就來聽聽藥師聊中藥,到底在說什麼吧~ 本節目主講人是社區藥師、大醫院藥師、醫院藥劑主任、中藥廠藥師、中醫博士藥師、藥師公會中藥委員,以及大學藥學系、護理系、妝品系的教師藥師。 Before the Zhou dynasty (1046–256 BCE), King Shengnong tested thousands of herbs. 《Shengnong Herb Bible》 is the earliest drug record so far. Chinese medicine history has lasted for more than 5000 years. The western medicine we are familiar with nowadays started around 200 years ago while Traditional Chinese Medicine presents the legacy of 5,000 years. Both kinds of medicines are taken by people and they share the same way for metabolism and excretion in our body. So let pharmacists tell you what Chinese medicine is and how they work.