地球數百年來,天災、地變、人禍層出不窮,世界人心墮落,加上最近一年來的世紀病毒肆虐,我們的生命深受威脅。 一起祈禱災情疫情早日結束,人人都能健康平安。 一起祈願瀕於戰爭邊緣、甚至已在戰爭當中的地區,都能平安止戰世界不再有戰爭。 In recent years, the earth has been plagued by natural disasters, earthquakes, and man-made calamities. The hearts of humanity have fallen. To top it off, the virus of the century has been rampant, threatening our lives. Let us pray that all the disasters and pandemic will end soon, so and that everyone will be healthy and safe. Let us pray that regions on the brink of war, or even in the midst of war, will stop fighting and that there will be no more wars on earth.