一档探讨女性创业与育儿话题的访谈节目,分享兼具这两种身份于一身的女性不断向内与向外探索的心路历程。通过与成功事业转型的创业者、投资人、自由职业者、心理学家、导师教练等对话,她们都有着同一种身份—妈妈。我们将一起探讨创业和育儿如何兼得,什么样的思维模式、管理工具、学习方法,能够帮助女性在创业者和妈妈不同身份的切换中将梦想照进现实,为不甘放弃梦想的女性们点亮一盏灯。 节目访谈的对象来自于中国、美国、加拿大、澳洲、欧洲等全球各地的妈妈们,为大家带来不同维度不同文化背景下的经验分享。 网站:dorisc.me 微信:dorisc5221 邮箱:dorisc5221@gmail.com Startup Mommy talks about women's entrepreneurship and parenting. Sharing the spiritual journey of women with these two identities who are constantly exploring inwardly and outwardly. Through interviews, we talked with entrepreneurs, investors, executives, freelancers, psychologists, and mentors who have successfully transformed their careers. Meanwhile they all have the same identity—mothers. Let’s discuss what kind of mindsets, tools, and learning methods can help women realize their dreams when switching between different identities of their lives.