斯福外星電台是什麼? 是「斯福」地區的外星人電台? 還是電台設在外星? OK,斯福,是位於太陽系地球臺灣島臺北盆地裡的兩個 小小行政區:斯文里和福佳里——它們分別位於一條叫 做基隆的河的南北岸。 所以,斯福外星電台–SIFU Alien Radio,其實是耳朵星系的星際外派員們,在這兩區域附近,進行聆聽的探索和採集,並定期發射回報給母星系的一個外送⋯⋯,呃,播送台。 ---------------------------------------- SIFU Alien Radio is a work in progress by Atelier Hui-Kan 回看工作室, part of the public art project 家的形狀-The Shape of Home. Most of our content is related to two areas in Taipei city, Siwenli and Fujiali, and the interviews with the inhabitants, neighbours and visitors are mostly in Mandarin or in Taiwanese. But we are regularly proposing some field recordings from these places, some in-site improvisation with local musicians and also some works by other sound wanderers in Asian cities. Atelier Hui-Kan 回看工作室 https://www.facebook.com/atelierhuikan 家的形狀-The Shape of Home https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100085562674196 主辦單位:臺北市都市更新處 「斯文里三期整宅及華榮市場公辦都市更新」公共藝術