What makes a good conversation? It’s a sharing of the minds, and an opening to the soul. It’s educational, substantial and sustained and often leaves those involved craving for more. A good conversation is an art form and it has the power to heal and motivate us all. Daybreak Limited presents this innovative series in English and traditional Chinese with personalities from all walks of life, from artists to philosophers, architects, activists, designers and entrepreneurs who create real meaning with their craft. Unscripted and straight from the heart, their stories will make you think, make you laugh and inspire your next conversation. 具意義的對談在於與同道中人打開心扉,訴說百聽不厭的人生故事,每字每句留下無遠弗屆的足跡,讓人學懂更多、期待更多。媲美藝術的連串對話,擁有療癒和震撼人心的力量。日初有限公司邀請來自各界精彩人物,從藝術家、哲學家、建築師,以至行動主義者、設計師和企業家等,與我們分享動人心弦的故事。由心出發的語句將會讓你反思對照、會心微笑,也為你下場對話埋下美好的引子。