Bunifu UI is a market-leading suite of ready-made controls that help you build beautiful.NET Windows Forms applications faster. For more info, please visit Once installed, please visit or for guidelines on how to install and activate Bunifu UI via NuGet.Wearepleasedtoannouncethat.NET6.0isnowsupportedbyBunifuChartsandBunifuUIWinForms. Supportfor.NET6.0finallystarteditsprotractedjourneyayearago. Wehadsomeissuestryingtoensurecompatibilityduringthedevelopmentandtestingphases,butfinally,itisdone! Version6.0.0isvitalforyouasadevelopersinceitincludessignificantchangesandlong-awaitedbugfixes. Below is a summary of whatBefore taking any actions you should know what versions are your assemblies. To see the version of the items in the Visual Studio Toolbox it is enough to move your mouse over any Telerik UI for WinForms item and a tool tip with the version information will appear. To get the version of your referenced assemblies you should expand the References of your project, click any Telerik dll and press F4, this will display a window which contains information about the version of the file. This latest release is a major update to the Bunifu UI WinForms package and provides a ton of new user controls. Within this release we have redesigned most of the old user controls to be lighter in memory and provide some new functionality as well. We have also improved in the responsive and float content. There are slight changes in the appearance as well with more flat-landing images and a lot less bolder font.Any assembly version compatible with Bunifu.Ui.WinForms.dll will work. There is no need to install each version of the package individually. That is the reason why we have changed the package so much from version to