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following poems of guththila kawya has been studied in the current study. considering the guththila jataka's tales is the main point of this research. every verse that is quoting from guththila jataka is closely examined with the purpose of presenting the reasoning on guththila kawya's that invites a minister named jayapala, of the kotte royal council ( king : vi parakumba). [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]this research is mainly to understand the opinion of guththila kavya because the opinion of guththila is totally different than the opinion of guththila jataka. since guththila kavya doesn't quote guththila jataka's things like following things.the opinion of guththila kavya presents the characters and jayapala as a minister and that of guththila kavya is totally different than the opinion of guththila jataka. it is used as a source through the research.landfall: the ship finally reaches aboukir bay; the narrative following this point is taken up by the historians of the french revolution, such as chateaubriand and lamartine; chateaubriand tells the story in terms of a philosophical reflection on the great principles involved in the french revolution of 1789, comparing the events with those of an earlier history, that of the trojan war; lamartine tells the story in brief, but gives his philosophical reflection in a separate chapter. its therefore a simple matter for the double meaning of sister becoming a weapon and also the wedding has placed a barrier between the two when they are forced to part. they were like siblings with birth ties as it were, and have been seeing each other from the first day of their births. rather than reiterate the meaning again, guththila kavya can come off as an entertaining story with some amazing musical performances.